At rank 3 Mimic with 5 stacks on Ultimate Hunter, this will give you 31 ultimate haste. Using this rune reduces the cooldown even more which is insane. LeBlanc has always had a low ultimate cooldown compared to other assassin's. This rune will now be the best rune for LeBlanc because of the love it's been getting recently. Once she has been able to fully stack it off of all the Solo and assisted kills, she will gain bonus AP damage to help her for the mid to late game. Since LeBlanc's mobility is so effective for roaming and helping round the map, this rune is perfect for her. With the guaranteed cooldown on Distortion, you will be able to get the extra magic penetration every time you initiate on to your opponent. This is definitely the best choice of rune for LeBlanc. Please bear in mind that Ethereal Chains only adds one stack to your Electrocute even when you proc your root on the target. As long as you hit 3 of your abilities you should do enough damage to either one shot someone or get them extremely low. At level 2 you will need to add an auto attack after hitting a successful Q + W combo for Electrocute to proc. With this rune, you will need to hit all of your pre-6 abilites in order for it to proc. Same with practically any assassin Electrocute will be your bread and butter rune on LeBlanc.